Show off your support for Scottish Rugby with a comfy and warm snood that will keep you cosy when cutting about in those harsh Scottish winters.
With a breathable design and versatility to act as a face mask, headband, or beanie, this is a great piece of kit that you can take along on your adventures wherever you go.
With an official Scottish rugby design, you can support the national team all day, every day, whether you’re at the shops or up the hills.
Reliable Comfort for Everyday Use
These snoods were originally tested out in Scotland’s Hurricane Bawbag all the way back in 2011. They keep you warm and comfortable while remaining breathable - even when you’re using them for sports and exercise.
It’s amazing how versatile these wee snoods can be. On the slopes and in need of a face mask? It's got you covered! Need your hair out of your face while you jog? Snood. On a cold night shift and in need of a beanie? Yep - it does that too.
They’re a great option for those who lead active lifestyles through the cold winter months and need to keep warm without having to pack heavy.
Support the Best Rugby Team
No, not the kiwis the real best - the people’s champs, SCOTLAND! These snoods are official Scottish team merchandise.
You can bring this anywhere, even workplaces with a uniform or dress code, and show off your support for the national team without getting fully kitted out.
This Lot Love Our Snoods Too!
Bawbags have a great team of snowsport athletes who need snoods to keep them cosy when they’re getting loose up in the mountains. And have a few mountain bikers who swear by them too. Oh, and the Scottish rugby team; they love ‘em!
Proceeds to a Bawtastic Cause
When you’re buying a Bawbags snood, you’re not just supporting Scottish rugby, you’re helping fund the incredible work of charities that Bawbags support.
Having already donated more than £80,000 and with no plans to stop, you can help Bawbags on their mission to keep the nation’s baws tidy!
- Breathable
- Wind Resistant
- Tested in Hurricane Bawbag